You guys!
What's your favorite 2021 resolution? Sticking to it?
What about the years before 2021?
Or are you more of a general goal-er? You goal-all-the-time? Checklist-type. Task-er? Goal a month? Fortnightly? Weekly? Daily?
Are you smirking because you resolved (years ago) not to be resolute for New Year's? Ikr! I used to be better than that too. My resolutions were awesome!--but too lofty. Or, they began wonderfully--like a shooting start, but then burnt* out. They were lovely dreams that I awoke too quickly from.
But, I figured it out! Sure, normative: eat healthy, exercise, drink more water, take supplements/multivitiamins are fine. But, why not pick something less routine and more festive--something enjoyable**! A fresh year is something to celebrate!
So, I resolved to "watch more TV and movies." Fun and fab--most successful New Year's resolution ever! And, then I did not resolve anything more for a year or two afterward.
Annnnnnnd now (hear the drumroll?), here we go again: for 2021, something (I find) both enjoyable and a little more responsible than "watch more TV and movies." Know what it is? I've never resolved this one either: Read. Read 12 books this 2021. For "January," I'm sharing my first blog book report.
*yes, I've adapted to some classic spellings and words, but I haven't given 'honor,' the honor of a letter-U yet; nor tire or pajamas a Y yet. However, I thought my mom-in-law's slightly shocked response of my transition from "bathroom" to "toilet" was chuckle-worthy. Not only that, but practical--there aren't any "baths" in bathrooms I visit outside of my home! Washroom, WC, and/or Toilet make sense and are more factual than: "baaw-th-room, Dahw-ling."
**What spurred this was that a few years before, I noted that a young man in Ferndale, WA made a social media post about a resolution--it was strange--fly over people, burn things, etc. until I got to the punchline: he resolved to become a DRAGON! Now that's what I call F-U-N! And why not? Humor is something we all need. It's never too late to resolve to be of good humor!