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"You ain't never had a friend like me"

Truly, I ain't never had a friend(s) like: Andres, Durbin, Erickson, Francis, Hargrove, Heidersdorf, Holtrop, Kwiat, Leatherwood, LeViere, Lewis, McMahon, Michel, Walker, and York.

There are many others--so thankful to have these friendships and more! If I named every friend I ain't never had one like before, this blog would be infinite. And, for that I ain't nothin' but genuinely grateful.
The reason I mention these friends is that: these were the friends that cleaned our toilets, scrubbed our showers, patched and painted our walls, tended to our children, came right over for some heavy (& tricky/awkward furniture) lifting, organized, dusted, cleaned out, vacuumed, peeled, unscrewed, swept, washed, and picked up our house, petted & dog-sat Luna, packed, hauled, dump & recycle tripped, re-homed, worked on, tidied up, and boxed and towed away our belongings, laughed with us, cried with us, helped, loved, advised, recommended, prayed with us, hugged us, fed us, lent their cleaning supplies, labor, tools, and time, volunteered to make our move happen, made saying goodbye important, and encouraged us at Kona Court.

 I ain't never had a moving sale before, we ain't never sold a house before, we ain't never re-homed a Great Dane before, we ain't never moved internationally before, I ain't going to keep this list going--you get idea. Many things had to happen for us to move from 98248 to Dubai. I ain't been this tired in years (ain't been since L was little), but I also ain't never had such unselfish, helpful, and wondrous friends in my life. Our move wouldn't be without you. THANK YOU ALL friends! Ya'll (listed above and unlisted alike) are a blessing from God. Please don't be offended if I didn't mention you specifically by name if I should have. Ain't never my intention to offend, so please forgive me.

P.S. I enjoy learning different terms for things, but there is one term that keeps playing trIcks on me. In the States a sign might read, "FOR RENT." Here, there are quite a few large signs on big buildings that mean the same thing, but use two different words: TO LET. I ain't tryin' to be tacky, but does anyone else's mind add a letter between these words? A vowel in particular? Ain't no: A, E, O, or U (or sometimes Y). I think you know the word my mind keeps sayin' I'm-a-readin'.

P.P.S. "You ain't never had a friend like me!"


Kristi Andres said…
I just caught these two latest posts... we love you guys too!!! :) So happy to hear you're there and the plane service was great. we felt the same about our service to China a few years ago. Missing your smile!

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