Silence on this blog for years.
At the risk of sounding cliche, this puppy needs some updating.
Hesitation creeps in because I don't want to risk sounding self-absorbed & narcissistic (I perused some old blog posts and man, does the writing seem egotistical). It seems that some of it was unintentional--as a good friend observed: women tend to take up "posturing" around one another. I am sorry for my offenses and God is still working on me. I am also sorry for all of my immaturity, America. I am sorry for words I should not have said, attitudes I should not have had, and, things that I should not have done. Thank you friends and family for helping me, loving me in spite of my short-comings, and providing a place for growth.
I am not a professional writer, nor am I a professional photographer. This blog is for family and friends. And, even if you are part of the family or a friend, please do not read this if you don't care, and/or if you don't like the writing. Please don't risk wasting your time. Please. Stop reading now. Say a little prayer for us (we always need those!), and cease. Don't risk doing something you don't want to do--we'll all be happier that way. Sincere thanks!
Besides, dear reader, I know you don't want to risk being voyeuristic.
But, here are the facts, and now I risk not telling you personally:
we are moving to Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
Long story:
We risked being unemployed when Bill resigned from Good News Fellowship Church this summer. We are quite thankful for Good News, and we are grateful that there wasn't a big drama or major conflict surrounding Bill's resignation. We prayed, the leaders at GNF prayed, friends and family prayed, and God revealed over some months, conversations, and tears that Bill had completed the job God had set for him @ GNF. It was time for Bill to be done and time for different leadership at GNF.
Bill worked on his doctorate for Dallas Theological Seminary. He's still working on it.
Bill applied for many jobs all over.
Lots of prayer and many conversations later, Bill and I eventually visited Dubai, and a week or two ago, Bill said, "Yes!" to a job offer at Fellowship of the Emirates. We will move in January. We have so many emotions happening in our household at the moment. We feel: nostalgic about wonderful Whatcom County and the friends we have here, thankful that God is good and faithful and He has provided for us (again & again), excited to travel & live in a foreign city, sad to move far away from friends and family, a little anxious about how things such as: metric units, degrees Celsius, different currency, school for the kids, transportation, and living quarters will work out for us, and we are hopeful yet because God is faithful and He is our provider!
Dubai is the reason that I feel I need to take up blogging again. It is about 11am where I am, and it's about 11 pm in Dubai. And that is just a start at how things are about to change for me and my family...
P.P.S. It felt WAY risky to be on the observation deck of the Burj Khalifa. If you visit, I'll do it again! :) Or, if we're feeling less risky, we can drive out on Palm Island (and under, I believe, the Atlantis--I still have much to learn!) and get a pic near the beach w/ the beautiful, sail-shaped Burj Al Arab (the "world's 7-star hotel").
Thank you for the updates! I am excited that you will be updated the blog again! Gilbert and I are sad that we can no longer visit the Kooglers in Washington but hope to visit in Dubai! We will be praying for a smooth transition the family.
Velma: we would LOVE to have you here and we'll let you know when we are in your area (for Bill's doctorate!) too!
Stacey: I would LOVE to receive a little something from home from you, but the mail system here isn't much like old, reliable US mail. And, we are living in a 2 bed hotel room until we have a place to call home...
For now, maybe Facebook message or Hangouts or good, ole email:
<3 lots and lots!!!