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Showing posts from 2021

As Elijah and Isaiah #hopewriterlife

As Elijah and Isaiah “Are you here?” Stressed, aimless voices Stretching and straining Wretched ringing and shrilling to overcome Screaming winds Red, orange, yellow raging Thunder-breaking cries Afterward the soothing voice Gently and quietly Peacefully and calmly Tenderly settling, “I am.”

Trite Beans

Dear Beans, You grew upwards of five years You were green You were red Harvested, roasted, dead. Prepared Ground Resurrected steam  and ceramic on my lips. Essence distilled Caffeine-spirit alive! See you tomorrow.  Thanks! Darby

February 2021 book report

Emily P. Freeman inspires me.  I loved reading, Freeman's (2013) "A Million Little Ways: Uncover the Art You Were Made to Live " in February 2021.  Don't believe you're an artist? Freeman (2013) implores readers to think again and argues otherwise! You're an ARTIST! A little of Freeman's encouragement : "God is an Artist and he has made us. We are his poem. We will make art" ( Freeman, 2011; 2013 ). Art is what we create. We all make art of all sorts (in a "million little ways") (Freeman, 2013).  Freeman (2013) gently, yet poignantly discusses  art barriers . Freeman's words are like a mirror--not what I hope to see, but unfiltered me .  It is the Spirit of God living inside--uniquely creating (through individual fingerprints) what he designed for us share. When I trust Christ, my art reflects Christ. This reminds me of what Paul wrote to Ephesus' Christ-followers: "Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have do

January 2021 book report

January's book: The first book of 2021: my first crime novel ever: "The Cuckoo's Calling" by Robert Galbraith (2013), aka JK Rowling. And, I liked it. It was slightly disappointing that I did not research well and read "The Casual Vacancy" instead--because "The Casual Vacancy" was published before (the first non-Harry Potter* book she published following the series) "The Cuckoo's Calling" (2013). Maybe someday I'll read "The Casual Vacancy." Still, I appreciated "The Cuckoo's Calling" (2013) and there were sections my brain paused to credit Rowling:  A man would never write that!  And, I believe she has been criticized for it, but I thought it was good and her new-to-me characters grew on me.  Isn't that true? Wherever there is art (music, poetry, writing, painting, drawing, dancing, production, creativity...), there are critics. I am a reader--not a critic. I like JK Rowling and I thought the "Th


You guys!  What's your favorite 2021 resolution? Sticking to it?  What about the years before 2021? Or are you more of a general goal-er? You goal-all-the-time? Checklist-type. Task-er? Goal a month? Fortnightly? Weekly? Daily?  Are you smirking because you resolved (years ago) not to be resolute for New Year's? Ikr! I used to be better than that too. My resolutions were awesome!--but too lofty. Or, they began wonderfully--like a shooting start, but then burnt* out. They were lovely dreams that I awoke too quickly from. But, I figured it out! Sure, normative: eat healthy, exercise, drink more water, take supplements/multivitiamins are fine. But, why not pick something less routine and more festive--something enjoyable** ! A fresh year is something to celebrate! So, I resolved to "watch more TV and movies." Fun and fab--most successful New Year's resolution ever! And, then I did not resolve anything more for a year or two afterward.  Annnnnnnd now (hear the drumro

"Secret Garden" 20 January 2021

to school and then: On the way to pick-up They cried cracking, drying out abandoned parched dying. Returning home, Pausing And considering alongside her son, and the other school children; Mounting and conquering The tossed aside. Declaring among the children In the sandlot,  Near the fence: "Found! Trees!" Becoming Mary Hoping for green and life and growth. Potential garden Overlooked.  Found. Rubbish and sand. Mary lifted them,  One sandpaper trunk in each hand. Soil trailing Roots perpendicular Determined peaceful feet Traveling Light-hearted, home amongst the children. Forgetting how to clap their hands Yellow leaves clinging, Crying. Green hoping. Mary, Dickon, and Colin Valuing Loving Giving Believing Replanting Awaiting Tending Pruning Redeeming Green rising.


Celebrate Plant Grow Harvest Celebrate!    


 Rhythm  Cycles change Cadence grows Flourishing  flowers fade slows grass withers The life-breath; Word stands. Forever-rhythm


Fresh Cans are okay Dried is nice Reconstituted is fine Processed? Shadows Essences Hints A green vine A tree A field A garden A new thing Selected Harvested Best fresh!


Dear 2020,   Two weeks ago we left you. Like the ghost of Christmas past, you’ll be with us. 2021 germinated; present. 2021 and the ghost of Christmas future, burgeoning. Here’s to you!   Sincerely, the ghost of 2021




@hopewriters  #hopewriterlife It began lightly, with a whimsical flight.  It landed.  Expanded; too tight.  Progress felt like dying to the little seed. Then: “Crack!” The surrounding soil was grave-dark, unfamiliar.  Broken sorrow. Then panic. After, it reached down into the nutrient-rich darkness and found it enjoyed the cool, dense taste.  Unfamiliar, but refreshing. Relaxing. Exploring—it reached the other way  a different sensation.  Stretching, it pushed its outgrown shell towards warmth;  progress.


From Matthew 13:1-9 Farmer--plants seed Scattered on the ground Seeds fell on the path Seeds birds ate Seeds in rocks--not enough soil. Seeds sprouted among thorns--too overcrowded Good soil--crops 30-100 times than what was planted The farmer plants in good soil-- No birds ate the seed you were No rocks stunted your reaching roots No sun damaged your first green tendril No thorns crowded you. No, he tended to you. Birthed in the ground, stretching towards light, soaking life-water. A new you--by the good farmer's power He beckoned: "Abide in me." And, "I am the vine--you are the branches." The new you produces thirty to a hundred times more than the one, unique you he planted! To the farmer who produced a new you: "Glory!"   HopeWriters     challenge The Sower   Matthew 13:1-9 John 15:5