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Showing posts from September, 2024

friendship, fruit, and love

When we move to a new location (near or far away), we experience a season of transience. To borrow from horticultural illustrations: it takes us time to grow into new environments, become adjusted, and settle. As we settle, the older, most resilient roots and branches need extra tending, pruning, or care; whilst we wish for the newest shoots or sprigs to develop in an expedited manner so that we can get out of uprooted shock and into a new season of growth that leads to a harvest of sweet, good fruits. One of the fruits that takes the most time is the fruit of friendship. Uprooted people need connection through friendship just as much as those who have the advantage of staying somewhere many seasons, years--perhaps a lifetime! Connection and social support scaffold resilience and are vital for our holistic humanity and healthy growth! Growth cannot be rushed. In fact, friendships take time. Though there are exceptions, we generally feel closest to those we spend the most time with. How