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Showing posts from January, 2021


Celebrate Plant Grow Harvest Celebrate!    


 Rhythm  Cycles change Cadence grows Flourishing  flowers fade slows grass withers The life-breath; Word stands. Forever-rhythm


Fresh Cans are okay Dried is nice Reconstituted is fine Processed? Shadows Essences Hints A green vine A tree A field A garden A new thing Selected Harvested Best fresh!


Dear 2020,   Two weeks ago we left you. Like the ghost of Christmas past, you’ll be with us. 2021 germinated; present. 2021 and the ghost of Christmas future, burgeoning. Here’s to you!   Sincerely, the ghost of 2021




@hopewriters  #hopewriterlife It began lightly, with a whimsical flight.  It landed.  Expanded; too tight.  Progress felt like dying to the little seed. Then: “Crack!” The surrounding soil was grave-dark, unfamiliar.  Broken sorrow. Then panic. After, it reached down into the nutrient-rich darkness and found it enjoyed the cool, dense taste.  Unfamiliar, but refreshing. Relaxing. Exploring—it reached the other way  a different sensation.  Stretching, it pushed its outgrown shell towards warmth;  progress.


From Matthew 13:1-9 Farmer--plants seed Scattered on the ground Seeds fell on the path Seeds birds ate Seeds in rocks--not enough soil. Seeds sprouted among thorns--too overcrowded Good soil--crops 30-100 times than what was planted The farmer plants in good soil-- No birds ate the seed you were No rocks stunted your reaching roots No sun damaged your first green tendril No thorns crowded you. No, he tended to you. Birthed in the ground, stretching towards light, soaking life-water. A new you--by the good farmer's power He beckoned: "Abide in me." And, "I am the vine--you are the branches." The new you produces thirty to a hundred times more than the one, unique you he planted! To the farmer who produced a new you: "Glory!"   HopeWriters     challenge The Sower   Matthew 13:1-9 John 15:5